Sunday, June 14, 2009


Everyone needs a get away from life and I'm still young, so vacation is a must every year. I will not be around too much this summer with all the trips and various LAN parties (<-- Super nerdy yet fun at the same time).

Don't worry, I will have Tyras all finished on time though. I will try to slip in work any down time I have. Hope to see you in Open Beta, September 1st!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Become a Follower (Or Else)

Follow my blog guys, let me know there are people out there that actually care about what I type here. It is as easy as clicking on the follow button and signing in to any of the accounts. Then you will be alerted of any new blog activities and be the first to get into the Open Beta when I post the download here before any other place.

Plus, you never know, followers may get something more in the future *cough*Special Items*cough* Sorry bad cold...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Tyras Beta will be released on Tuesday,
September 1st 2009
Thank you guys for all of the support and I hope to see you in Beta.


The release date for Tyras Beta will be announced later today! Make sure to keep on checking in to see if I have posted it up.

Lots of the development coming my way, time to break out the late night coffee.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


The "Beta Hammer" will be available to all Beta participants. I am still unsure how I will do the stats for the item, but I am definitely going to make this item a great advantage in bragging rights for all those Beta Testers.

Here is a preview of V1, I am going to make a V2 now since the old one looks really lame. So don't worry, this is just a concept, it will be a lot cooler: