Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Beta House

When you're not battle vicious beast and bandits, or warring the enemy nations and exploring the vast world... what do you do?

Well in Open Beta 1-4 Only, you can chill out in the "Beta House."

*Click to Enlarge*

What do you do at the Beta House? The building will be accessed by a spell given to all players. It is a place to mingle with friends in Tyras, even ones that arn't on your faction. You can buy the Beta Hammer here as well as all the Race Beta Items.

The Beta House is also a connection between areas within your faction. If you are a Sapien, you can simply just go to the Beta House and quickly then warp to the Spawn lands. The same goes for the Vampire and Drow.

Finally, the Beta House will feature various events, accessed through the cave entrance. There will be server-wide dungeons, boss battles, pvp, and many other events. Plus, these events can gain you super rare, one of a kind items that will only be up for grabs for a few hours.

Hope to see you all in Beta!

Beast O' the Week 3

For my third installment of the beast O' the week, I have chosen the trolls of the Sapien lands:
The trolls are first seen in the Lei Mines, the first dungeon for the Sapien race. But that is not the only place you will find trolls. Later, as more area's open up, you will see just how many trolls there are out there. They are stinky, dumb, ugly, but most of all, deadly. The trolls move around with their giant clubs in hand, killing all that wish to test their strength. The Cave Troll, inside the Lei Mines, will have a club you can acquire by killing him. Plus you can get Troll Beads, and a Loinclothe (if you don't mind it have troll urine on it).

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Truth About Open Beta

Seeing as how I haven't even finished up the Sapien lands and it is already getting close to September, I have decided for an alternative way to do the second Beta.


You will only be able to play as the single race, but this way I can add much more content including more skills and quests. I have also decided that I will do 4 Open Betas and have each one unlock a different race. You can either play the new race or continue with your old ones.Once I release the 4th, I will finish up all the extra areas for each race and do a full release.

I will also be giving out a new beta item each Beta, one for each race. Here is a road map of what lies ahead:

Open Beta 1-Sapien
Open Beta 2-Vampire
Open Beta 3-Spawn
Open Beta 4-Drow
Final Release!

I hope to see you guys in beta soon. The first beta item will be a helmet for the Sapien race. Plus if you participate in any open beta, you get the Beta Hammer!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Beast O' the Week 2

For the second Beast O' the Week, I chose the infamous bandit, the scourge of Lei and all of Shial Coast:

The bandits roam the eastern shores of the Shial Coast. They pillage towns and kill the innocents to fill their need for gold and riches. Lead by the demonic spirit Duskblade, who is embodied inside a mortal form, they hope to one day take over the town of Lei, steal all the resources they have to offer, and burn it to the ground. It is up to you to stop them from doing so. These creatures will be part of the 3rd Quest Line and will be in the first beta.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Girlz, I never really understood them, but today I found they are actually really complicated. They are a very complex figure and have many needs...

I'm talking about pixeling them, everyone knows girls have koodies.

I finally sat down and did the first frame of the female sprite for the Sapien... and it turned out quite sexy. I made sure weapons and helms still equip the same on them, but their armor's will be different than the male ones. Tell me what you think.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Beast O' the Week 1

I will now be doing a new weekly thing for this Blog, I will be showing a picture and info on a new beast each week for as long as I can. So to kick things off I will be going with a classic monster in almost every game. The Orc:

The Orc has always been a favorite for me since my first MMO I played. These creatures have been seen in all different ways. Brutalic yet dumb, Furry and Gorilla-ish, sometimes not even green. The Orc in Tyras is a more traditional one, it has a Orcish green and a variety of leather armor and crude weapons. The "Orc Slayer" quest line will be the 3rd one, having you attack the Orc fortress and kill their warcheif. It will also have side quests including one where you must escort captives back to the Orc slayer camp.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lei Mines... DONE!

I just finished the first Sapien dungeon today and man did it take a while. The dungeon is not huge but it still does have a lot of dead ends and separate paths. Here's some screenshots of the various areas:


Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'm Back!

Man! Two weeks of vacation is what I really needed. But unfortunately I have another week of camping coming up so I will once again be AFK. I leave Sunday so I hope that is enough time to start wrapping up the Sapien lands and moving on to the Vampire territory.

I have already done a bit of work, I actually got back one the 3rd (Happy 4th of July or Canada Day) so I have done some work. Here is some more progress into the Lei Mines Dungeon:*Click the image to enlarge it*