Friday, May 29, 2009

Who Doesn't Like Capes?

Come on, capes made the man... or woman in any game. Only the kool guys where capes (please don't use that phrase to strongly though in the real world). So since we are true men... and women, Tyras has to have capes, and I delivered:

Enjoy, and remember: Capes do not make the man (or woman) in real life.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Enchanting Enchantments

The enchanting system is much like the Tier system, but for weapons. To enchant an item, all you need is an enchantable item and to find an enchanter. You can give your weapons damage bonuses, stat bonuses, and even have them give you more exp and gold. Here are a couple examples of some enchanted items:

Enchanted Steel Broadsword (Sapien)

Enchanted Blood Knife (Drow)

Enchanted Staff of Bloodshed (Vampire)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Items Galore

I have currently been working on my non-equipment items and I thought I might give you guys a sneak preview of some of my work. (Note: I still may change these around, judging on if I do a Loot or Drop System).

Leather Gloves

Leather Boots

Leather Wrist Guards

Mercenary Tag

Light Ammo Belt

Durok's Message

Ruby Potion

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's all about ME! (Sorta)

Not really, I appreciated all of my faithful fans of Tyras and my amazing staff, but this blog entry will talk of none of them... sorta.

In the game, there will be tons of amazing items. Still, like in almost every game, the staff have to be better. Thus I come to the part about me. I myself have "THE MOST RARE" item in the game, since really, you can't even sell it and there is only one. I currently posses the:

Chaotic Overlord Helm

This is one of the many custom items available to staff members. Of course, being the creator, I can't make any of the staff members be better. Still, all staff members, Programmers, Mappers, Game Mods, Web Designers, etc. will receive a custom helmet that is totally yours.

So, as an incentive, please, support Tyras and try to help us out by taking a position. I will start collecting moderators and extra mappers once the game is in Beta. Because really, who doesn't want to be a chaotic overlord?

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Almost all equitable items are separated into "Tiers." Tiers are basically item levels. A Tier 1 item will be quite basic and have few bonuses, where a Tier 2 item will look a lot more complex and give you stat, armor, damage, and even experience bonuses.

Here is an example of the difference from Tier 1 to Tier 2:


Tier 2

Expect Tiers 1 and 2 in Beta and Tiers 1-4 in the full game.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dusk Blade

The first major Sapien boss is called: Dusk Blade. He is a vicious bandit leader with a demonic appearance. This boss will need to be defeated to move on out of the first Sapien zone. So here is the run-down on how this boss will work:
  • You will need about 6-8 people to defeat him
  • Tier 2 Armor is recommended
  • The boss will attack like any normal mob
  • It also has spells to weaken you
  • Each time you kill it, it will be reborn as a more powerful beast
  • It has 3 stages: Normal, Possessed (Shown above), and Demon Form
  • This boss will give you all kinds of items, including its weapon I'm making now

So look forward to this in the full release! I will be pixeling while I consult my programmer on how good this boss can be in terms of AI.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

NPC's and QG's

I have just added my first NPC's (Non-Player Controlled) and QG's (Quest Givers) to the game. The world will be cluttered with NPC's to talk to and share information. Plus there will be hundreds of QG's for each race that will give you quests from delivering messages, to sieging a fortress.
Purple "!" is a QG and the Red "!" is a NPC.
*Click it to Zoom In


Welcome to the the Tyras: Age of Darkness blog. I hope this will be the best way to add info on my upcoming game. I hope to post all sorts of updates here including stuff you cannot find on any of my active forums.

So keep checking in and expect more soon!