The first major Sapien boss is called: Dusk Blade. He is a vicious bandit leader with a demonic appearance. This boss will need to be defeated to move on out of the first Sapien zone. So here is the run-down on how this boss will work:
- You will need about 6-8 people to defeat him
- Tier 2 Armor is recommended
- The boss will attack like any normal mob
- It also has spells to weaken you
- Each time you kill it, it will be reborn as a more powerful beast
- It has 3 stages: Normal, Possessed (Shown above), and Demon Form
- This boss will give you all kinds of items, including its weapon I'm making now
So look forward to this in the full release! I will be pixeling while I consult my programmer on how good this boss can be in terms of AI.
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